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For Parents and Carers
Looking after You and Your Family during Coronavirus
We know that in these uncertain times you may feel worried or overwhelmed especially with the thought of managing your children's worries as well as their education. At Yarborough Academy we have put together some tools and resources to help you get through this time.
We know that educating children can be tricky and staying calm in a crisis might seem hard. This section of our website is to give you practical and immediate strategies to support your well being and your child's.
Yours and your child's mental health is vital and extended time at home may be a challenge emotionally.
Information to share with your children about Coronavirus:
We have spent some time talking about the Coronavirus in a safe way with your children. We have talked about their worries and feelings giving them space to process and ensuring that the adults in their lives remain calm and safe. We have used the CoviBook, available below, and advise using this as a starting point for conversations at home too.
- CoviBook For Children
- Talking to children about Coronavirus
- https://youngminds.org.uk/blog/talking-to-your-child-about-coronavirus/
We also know that staying home can be hard to explain so we have included the story below to help. We really are all in this together and we really need to follow the advice.
- The Stay Home Superheroes Pt 1
- The Stay Home Superheroes Pt 2
For children with additional needs all of this information might seem too much. We have linked below a social story that you can revisit that may help children to process what is going on. This may be particularly helpful for children with; Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Communication and Language difficulties as well as Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties.
- Talking to children with communication difficulties about Corona
Looking after your own Mental Health - support for parents and caregivers:
The following links provide support for you own mental health. Staying home with your child may feel stressful on top of your own anxieties. Just like the Coronavirus, feelings are contagious. Children need calm, centred and well regulated caregivers and these resources may help you to stay calm and present for your child.
- Corona Anxiety For Parents
- https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/looking-after-your-mental-health-during-coronavirus-outbreak